The centrepiece of the program is a series of leadership coaching sessions. These sessions are supported by related learning modules. Some managers and leaders in health and community organisations have used the inputs when they are:
looking ahead – considering challenges and goals for the year ahead
moving from an experienced practitioner role to a challenging management role
re-designing the service due to changes in funding and/ or community needs
preparing a program logic and theory of change
updating the service approach to reflect up-to-date evidence and models of practice
designing strategies to improve the quality of the system for supervision and support
addressing complex management issues
moving the organisation to become client centred in a cohesive way in practice + leadership + governance
preparing for an accreditation process
developing a workplace learning initiative
managing an inter-professional collaboration or partnership
wanting to do a rethink about their leadership approach - and extend leadership capabilities so they can respond confidently to new opportunities.
Some managers and leaders in other sectors have used inputs when they are:
moving into a senior management role
planning an organisational learning and development strategy
analysing and addressing the narratives in the organisation that are hindering change
developing a training program that involves transformative learning
developing a more effective approach to managing a team
designing a communication strategy to acknowledge high performance.
The program is designed according to your needs and preferences. We start with sessions to enable you to do a comprehensive review and analysis of current issues in your context.
Your priority may be to debrief and consider leadership across a few perspectives. Alternatively, you may prefer to take a more structured approach and use a module to focus on one area in depth. The modules include resources to review current practices, reflection activities, outlines of different strategies, practical tools and resources, and background readings.
For example: